(01) 841 5070 info@flemingtoncc.ie

Fitness & Health

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class

Sahajayoga was developed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It involves awakening a subtle spiritual energy known as the...

Metropolitan School of Dance

Ireland’s leading Dance School EST. 1945Ballet RAD, Jazz, Strength & Conditioning, Pointe & Repertoire3yrs to AdvancedClontarf, Sandymount, Howth,...

WSKF SEDAI Karate-do

Life Activity Balbriggan: Flemington Community Centre, Wed from 18:30 Learn&develop "So Much More Than Karate". Practice & stepped...

Pickle Ball

If you live anywhere near Balbriggan and are interested in knowing more about the fabulous sport of pickleball...


All classes are designed to be accessible to all levels of experience. You will explore and learn movement,...


STOTT PILATES® is a contemporary approach to the original exercise method pioneered by the late Joseph Pilates. Main...

Dance Fitness

DANCE FITNESS with Gimuaro Vitor- Pilates & Contemporary Dancer & Instructor with Masters in Contemporary Dance Performance from...

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